Thursday, May 24, 2007

Platfoms for Social Networking


These refer to brief encounters with players who group together in order to achieve a common goal. These may include instances whereby dungeons can only be completed in a group, or quests where chance of survival is increased with the help of others. Therefore, the game is tailored so that some social interaction must occur in order for a player to progress through it. Gamers are also required to select their company carefully to contain a range of different skills and abilities to fulfil various roles in the group for example, ‘tanking’ or ‘healing’. Generally, such groups are formed and disbanded within one period of gameplay and would only form if there was a common purpose. Chance acquaintances such as these increase social networking opportunities and are encouraged within the game.


The ‘friends’ list is generally reserved for those who are already known outside of the game or for people that gamers have enjoyed working with in parties. It enables them to stay in contact with their ‘friends’ and to send them instant messages in the game. It is not unlike any other instant messaging service such as MSN or Yahoo! Messenger in that acquaintances are added to a list to whom players can chat to if they are online. Contact with friends is more regular and greater relationships are able to form. Gamers can consequently develop strong relationships with others and maintain them through this method. The game can even become just another platform where players can chat and interact with their friends and the gameplay becomes a secondary aspect. In fact, many experienced players stay within the game purely to stay in contact with the friends they have made (Humphries, 2005:41). Therefore, the ‘friends’ list is another important means for social networking within World of Warcraft.


Guilds are formed usually by large groups of people who are friends outside the game or by those who become friends within the game. They allow a place for sharing resources such as trade material and gold. It is generally expected that guild members will help each other out if a need arises and pool resources to enhance gameplay for members. Guilds often have websites outside of the game which list guild events and instruct in the ways of the game. The guild is a community of people within the game, similar to ordinary communities in society today. Generally they share a common interest, for example ‘raiding’, and structure the guild around that. Furthermore ranks exist within the guild denoting social status and it is up to higher ranked members to promote and punish lower ranked members as they see fit. It can be said that the guild is like a ‘play community’ in that the guild supports each individual and the individual supports the group. Thus, there is a mutual benefit for both parties, creating deeper social connections in an inclusive environment (Harrigan, 2007:315).

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